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Proposed revised policy and scheme

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  1. 1. Introduction

    1. 1.1. This Housing Allocation Policy and Scheme applies to the Great Yarmouth Borough Council local authority area.
    2. 1.2. This document sets out Great Yarmouth Borough Council's Policy for applications to the Housing Register; the allocation of the housing stock owned by the Council and nominations to housing associations (including those in the Great Yarmouth Housing Partnership - see Appendix A), and other organisations, registered with the Regulator of Social Housing (for social and affordable rented and low-cost home ownership properties, with the exception of Homes England grant funded shared ownership properties on non exception sites) and to private landlords.
    3. 1.3. Officers act under delegated powers in accordance with this Policy. All allocations and nominations are made from the Housing Register.
  2. 2. Aims of the Allocation Policy and Scheme

    1. 2.1. In the borough of Great Yarmouth the demand for social housing exceeds available supply. Therefore, this Housing Allocation Policy and Scheme seeks to meet the following aims:
      • ensure people in the greatest housing need have the greatest opportunity to access suitable housing that best meets their needs
      • to prevent and relieve homelessness
      • to make best use of all social housing stock
      • to help the Council meet statutory and strategic aims
      • to help contribute to the development of sustainable communities
    2. 2.2.Whilst this Policy is intended to be comprehensive, the Council recognises that it is not possible to cover every eventuality. In special cases with exceptional needs, the Head of Strategic Housing has the discretion to award additional priority and approve offers of accommodation taking into consideration all factors relevant to the application.
  3. 3. Eligibility

    1. 3.1. Applicants ineligible under Government regulations will not be eligible to be accepted onto the Housing Register. Eligibility is a question of immigration status. The rules regarding eligibility are complex and subject to regular changes in immigration law. Applicants who are not British citizens can request further information from the Council before making an application.
    2. 3.2. Any applicant who has been excluded from the Housing Register on the grounds of ineligibility will be given written notice of the decision and the reasons for it and advised of their right of appeal (see section 38).
  4. 4. Qualification Criteria

    1. 4.1. The Council will usually only accept applicants onto the Housing Register who are in housing need. Housing need qualifying criteria is set out in Appendix B. Applicants deemed not to be in housing need will be placed in Band E.
    2. Local Connection

    3. 4.2. The Council will usually only accept applications to the Housing Register from an applicant with a local connection to the Great Yarmouth Borough Council area. Local connection means that the applicant or a person who might reasonably be expected to reside with them either:
      • is normally resident within the local authority area of the Borough
      • has a local connection with the area by virtue of family association or current employment
    4. 4.3. Normally resident means resident in accommodation for a period of at least three years immediately prior to an application being made. This does not include being detained in prison or resident in a bail hostel. Persons occupying holiday or other temporary accommodation (for example, hospital or student housing) are not considered as normally resident unless they can demonstrate that this has been their sole or main home for a period of at least five years. It is recognised that the residency qualify may place refugees, gypsies and travellers at a disadvantage, therefore, the Council will always consider disapplying the residence requirement in such cases.
    5. 4.4. Family association normally means that the applicant has parents, adult children, or adult sibling currently living in the Borough of Great Yarmouth and has been normally resident within the Borough for at least five years. In exceptional circumstances and where support is required family association may include extended family, each case will be determined on its own merits. Applicants will be required to provide proof of local connection by virtue of family association.
    6. 4.5. Current employment means the employment or self-employment of the applicant is physically in the Borough, for a minimum of 20 hours per week and for at least one year's duration.
    7. 4.6.Local connection requirements will not apply to the following applicants:
      • a person who is serving in the regular forces or who has served in the regular forces within five years of the date of their application for an allocation of housing under Part 6 of the 1996 Act
      • a person who has recently ceased, or will cease to be entitled, to reside in accommodation provided by the Ministry of Defence following the death of that person's spouse or civil partner where -
        • the spouse or civil partner has served in the regular forces; and
        • their death was attributable (wholly or partly) to that service; or
        • a person who is serving or has served in the reserve forces and who is suffering from a serious injury, illness or disability which is attributable (wholly or partly) to that service
      • existing social housing tenants in England who have a reasonable preference because of a need to move to the Borough of Great Yarmouth to avoid hardship and if they work or have been offered work in the Borough and have a genuine intention to take up that offer (employment must be physically located in the Borough, and cannot be short term or marginal or ancillary to work in another area or voluntary)
      • persons who need to move from another local authority area to escape domestic abuse
      • persons who need to move from another local authority area to escape other forms of violence or harm
    8. 4.7.Not having a local connection to Great Yarmouth Borough Council will not preclude those applicants identified to be within the class of person set out in section 13.1 of this Policy from being on the Housing Register. Such applicants will be placed in Band F unless exceptional circumstances apply (see section 4.18).
    9. Unacceptable Behaviour

    10. 4.8.Applicants will not be accepted on to the Housing Register where it is decided that the applicant, or a member of the household with whom the applicant would usually reside, has behaved unacceptably.
    11. 4.9.Examples of unacceptable behaviour could include:
      • significant rent or mortgage arrears or breach of tenancy obligations where no attempt is being made to repay the debt or remedy the breach
      • cautioned or convicted of a nuisance, anti-social or violent offence
      • subject to an injunction or equivalent under the Anti-social Behaviour, Crime and Policing Act 2014
      • conduct likely to cause serious nuisance, annoyance or harassment to neighbours
      • using accommodation or allowing it to be used for immoral or illegal purposes
      • fraudulent or duplicitous behaviour to obtain accommodation
      • serious damage to or neglect of a property by the tenant or other occupants; or
      • committing violent or anti-social behaviour, or domestic, racist or other abuse.
    12. For example, with respect to significant rent arrears, those applicants with eight weeks arrears or amounts exceeding £1,000 may be disqualified from the Housing Register until the amount has been substantially reduced or consecutive payments for 26 weeks have been made, unless there are agreed extenuating special circumstances.

    13. 4.10. Cases will be considered on an individual basis. The following criteria will be applied in determining whether an applicant (this includes existing Council tenants) is excluded from being able to go on the Housing Register for rehousing because of their unacceptable behaviour:
      • there must be reliable evidence of unacceptable behaviour
      • in normal circumstances the behaviour concerned should have occurred within the last two years. In cases of a more serious nature, for example, those involving criminal prosecution, a longer timescale may be appropriate
      • there must be reasonable grounds for believing that the behaviour could continue or be repeated. For example, the applicant may have issued threats or there might be a history of repeat offending
    14. 4.11. The decision as to whether to exclude an applicant from the Housing Register on the basis of unacceptable behaviour, be this due to the applicant's behaviour or the behaviour of a member of the household with whom the applicant would usually reside, will be made by the Housing Options Service Manager.
    15. Financial and Needs Assessment

    16. 4.12. Persons will not qualify to join the Housing Register if they own a property in the United Kingdom or overseas.
    17. 4.13. Figure 1 below sets out the financial caps where applicants with household gross income (including benefits and interest on savings) and/or savings and assets (including equity in a property), or both, above these levels will usually be considered as not being in housing need and will not qualify to join the Housing Register.
    18. Figure 1
      Dwelling size needAnnual gross income capSavings and assets cap
      Four-bedroom and above£50,000£16,000
      These figures will kept under review
    19. 4.14. In the scenario where an applicant only wishes to access low cost home ownership accommodation, the cap on household income will be raised to £80,000 gross per annum.

    20. 4.15. Lump sums awarded to Armed Forces service personnel injured or disabled in action will be disregarded.

    21. 4.16. The financial assessment will have regard to the financial resources of the applicant and the cost and availability of alternative suitable accommodation. Such applicants who can demonstrate that they have health or support needs that they are unable to meet in the open market will be considered on their individual merits by the Head of Strategic Housing. Examples include:

      • an older person is committed to paying for care or support costs in order to remain living independently

      • an applicant who requires specific accommodation to meet their housing needs, for example, the needs of disabled dependent children, but this accommodation is not available in the private sector

    22. 4.17. As with all other decisions made under this policy, any applicant who is deemed to have such resources as not to qualify to join the Housing Register will have a right of appeal against that decision (section 38).

    23. 4.18. Where an application to the Housing Register would not otherwise be accepted on the grounds of failing to meet the qualification criteria, as the Local Housing Authority, the Council will retain the discretion in exceptional circumstances where it is considered necessary to disapply the qualification criteria and / or place the applicant in any other Band as set out in this policy.

    24. 4.19. Any applicant who has been excluded from the Housing Register on the grounds of failing to meet the qualification criteria will be given written notice of the decision and the reasons for it and advised of their right of appeal (see section 38).

    25. 5. Age of Applicants

    26. 5.1. Applicants must be at least 18 years of age.

    27. 6. Homeless Applicants

    28. 6.1. Great Yarmouth Borough Council has a duty to secure suitable accommodation for homeless households who are eligible for assistance, in priority need, have a local connection and who are not intentionally homeless, in Council, other Registered Provider (housing associations registered by the Regulator of Social Housing) or suitable private rented accommodation. Discharge of the main homelessness duty to the private rented sector will be made in line with the Homelessness (Suitability of Accommodation) (England) Order 2012.

    29. 6.2. It is important that persons who are homeless or threatened with being made homeless seek advice from Great Yarmouth Borough Council, or their local council, at the earliest opportunity.

    30. 7. Transfer Applicants

    31. 7.1. Existing tenants of Great Yarmouth Council will be subject to the provisions of the Allocation Policy and Scheme. Tenants wishing to transfer will not normally be considered for re-housing until they have been resident in their present home for one year. This includes tenants who have moved due to undertaking a mutual exchange.

    32. 8. Applying to the Housing Register

    33. 8.1. Persons wishing to register must complete an Application Form. The application must be completed online through Great Yarmouth Borough Council's website and any outstanding supporting evidence must be provided within 28 days. Assistance will be provided to anyone who may have difficulty applying due to disability, illness, age, not speaking English as a first language, or any other reason (see Section 23.1).

    34. 8.2. The Application will then be assessed by Great Yarmouth Borough Council. Applicants will receive a written response confirming whether their application has been accepted. If accepted, the applicant will be provided with written notification of the Band in which they have been placed and given a registration date.

    35. 8.3. Where an applicant is not satisfied with the way their application has been assessed or determined they have a right of appeal (see Section 38).

  5. 9. Verification

    1. 9.1. On completing the Application Form applicants give permission for Great Yarmouth Borough Council to verify (check) the information that they have provided or will re-provide prior to any offer being made or any change of circumstance. This includes permission to contact other Council departments, for example Council Tax and Social Services, and other people or organisations such as previous and current landlords, the UK Border Agency and the police. Applicants will not be accepted onto the Housing Register until all information requested has been provided and verified. Appendix C lists the information applicants are required to submit to verify their housing application.

    2. 9.2. Caseworkers may undertake home visits to assess applicants' living conditions and confirm residency of those listed in the application. This will include an inspection of the home, taking photos and/or measurements of the property.

    3. 9.3. Great Yarmouth Borough Council may share information as appropriate where this is legally required and when providing nominations to housing associations and private landlords.

    4. 10. False Statements and Withholding Information

    5. 10.1. Ensuring all the information provided is true and accurate is the responsibility of the applicant. Verification checks will be undertaken at the point of offer to confirm the information on the application form is correct and up to date.

    6. 10.2. It is a criminal offence for applicants knowingly or recklessly to give false information; or to knowingly withhold information. It can carry a fine and in separate civil proceedings can lead to the loss of any accommodation let as a result of Great Yarmouth Borough Council relying on that false information.

    7. 10.3. Applicants are required to certify online applications confirming the details they have given are correct to the best of their knowledge.

    8. 10.4. This Scheme falls within the provisions of Part VI of the Housing Act 1996. Section 171 of the Act states:

      1. (1) A person commits an offence if, in connection with the exercise by a local housing authority of their functions under this Part:

        1. (a) they knowingly or recklessly make a statement which is false in material particular

        2. (b) they knowingly withhold information which the authority has reasonably required them to give in connection with the exercise of those functions

      2. (2) A person guilty of an offence under this section is liable on summary conviction to a fine not exceeding level 5 on the standard scale.

    9. 10.5. Consequently, where Section 171 applies, Great Yarmouth Borough Council may bring a prosecution, which if successful, could result in a fine of an unlimited amount.

    10. 10.6. Where false information is found to have been given, the applicant may also be disqualified from the Housing Register on the grounds of unacceptable behaviour. Where false information has resulted in the applicant obtaining accommodation, the relevant Landlord may bring possession proceedings for recovery of the property.

    11. 11. Change in Circumstances

    12. 11.1. If an applicant's circumstances change Great Yarmouth Borough Council must be informed straight away, or as soon as is reasonably practicable. Examples of changes include change of address, change in family size and change in financial circumstances.

    13. 11.2. If an applicant's circumstances change they may cease to be eligible for inclusion on the Housing Register, and their application will be disqualified. They will be informed if this is the case and advised of any right of appeal (see Section 38).

    14. 12. Worsening of Circumstances

    15. 12.1. Applicants must not deliberately worsen their circumstances in order to be given a higher Banding on the Housing Register. If an applicant is found to have deliberately worsened their circumstances in order be given a higher Banding, they will either be placed in the Band corresponding to their circumstances at the time of their original application or may be disqualified from the Housing Register on the grounds of unacceptable behaviour.

    16. 12.2. Examples of deliberate worsening of circumstances might include:

      • selling a property that is affordable and suitable for an applicant's needs

      • disposing or gifting assets, including property

      • deliberate depletion of capital

      • moving from a secure Assured Tenancy to insecure, overcrowded accommodation, where there is no good reason for this move

      • having allowed the condition of accommodation to deteriorate to a level considered beyond reasonable wear and tear

      • where there is evidence that it was reasonable for an applicant to have remained in their original accommodation

    17. 12.3. Where an applicant has little or no control over their move to alternative accommodation, this will not be considered as a deliberate worsening of circumstances.

  6. 13. Statutory Requirements

    1. 13.1. Under the Housing Act 1996 Great Yarmouth Council must ensure that when allocating and nominating to housing accommodation, reasonable preference is given to the following groups:

      • people who are homeless within the meaning of Part 7 of the Housing Act 1996 (including those who are intentionally homeless and those not in priority need)

      • people who are owed a duty by any housing authority under the Housing Act 1996 sections 190(2), 193(2) or 195(2) (or under section 65(2) or 68(2) of the Housing Act 1985) or who are occupying accommodation secured by any such authority under section 192(3)

      • people occupying insanitary or overcrowded housing or otherwise living in unsatisfactory housing conditions

      • people who need to move on medical or welfare grounds, including grounds relating to a disability

      • people who need to move to a particular locality in the district of the authority, where failure to meet that need would cause hardship (to themselves or to others).

    2. 13.2. The Housing Act 1996 also requires that housing authorities must give additional preference to the following categories of applicants who fall within one or more of the reasonable preference categories and who have urgent housing needs:

      • former members of the Armed Forces

      • serving members of the Armed Forces who need to move because of a serious injury, medical condition or disability sustained as a result of their service

      • bereaved spouses and civil partners of members of the Armed Forces leaving Services Family Accommodation following the death of their spouse or partner

      • serving or former members of the Reserve Forces who need to move because of serious injury, medical condition or disability sustained as a result of their service

    3. 13.3. Those applicants who are in the above categories and are placed in Bands Emergency to D and are considered to have urgent housing needs will be given additional priority so that they are considered for re-housing ahead of other applicants in their respective Band.

  7. 14. The Banding System

    1. 14.1. The Allocations Policy is based on seven Bands with specific qualifying criteria (see Appendix B for more details). Each applicant's housing need and other circumstances are assessed on the information provided and the applicant is placed in the highest Band their circumstances allow. Within each Band applicants are ranked in date order from when they were registered into that Band.

  8. 15. Statement of Choice

    1. 15.1. Great Yarmouth Borough Council is committed to offering the greatest choice possible in the allocation of affordable housing in the Borough, whilst ensuring that housing is allocated to those with the greatest need.

    2. 15.2. As part of the application process, with the exception of applicants owed a homeless duty or in either the Emergency Band or Band A, applicants will be required to identify the areas in which they would like to be rehoused.

    3. 15.3. In some cases, where the Council deems there is a risk to the safety of the applicant or a member of their family or there is a risk to the safety of other people, the Council will restrict the ability of the applicant to choose which areas they want to be rehoused to those areas where there will be no risk or the risk can be appropriately mitigated.

    4. 15.4. Any applicant to whom the Council owes a homeless duty or in either the Emergency Band or Band A will be considered for any suitable property located across the Borough. This will include a risk assessment to ensure that the property is in area where there will be no risk or the risk can be appropriately mitigated.

  9. 16. How the Scheme Operates

    1. 16.1. All properties that become available for letting and all housing association properties where the Council has nomination rights will be offered to the applicant in the highest Band for whom the property is suitable and who has been within that Band for the longest period of time, unless otherwise provided by this Policy.

  10. 17. Bedroom and Bedspace Entitlement

    1. 17.1. The number of bedrooms required for each household is calculated in accordance with age, sex, marital status composition and the relationship of the members to one another. A separate bedroom is required for each married or cohabitating couple, for any other person aged 16 years or over, for each pair of children aged 0 to 15 years of the same sex, and for each pair of children under 10 years of the same or opposite sex. If that is not possible, he or she is counted as requiring a separate bedroom, as is any unpaired child under the age of 10 years. Additional bedroom/s required because of a medical condition/s will be considered as part of the medical assessment procedure.

    2. 17.2. Single adults and persons aged 16 years or over will usually be allocated a bedroom with one bedspace.

    3. 17.3. Appendix D gives examples of what size and type of property an applicant can usually expect to be offered.

  11. 18. Access to Children

    1. 18.1. In the case of divorced or separated parents / guardians, a child will typically be expected to reside with one parent / guardian as their main residence. Unless it is stated in a legal document that residency is 50% for each parent / guardian, the other parent / guardian will not receive any bedroom entitlement for access visits.

    2. 19. University / Full-time Study Away from Home

    3. 19.1. Household members studying away from home in full-time courses will only be considered in bedroom entitlement if they are in accommodation provided by the university or other educational established and are required to vacate it out of term time.

  12. 20. Overnight Carers

    1. 20.1. Where a household has formal evidence that an overnight carer or team of carers is needed three or more nights per normal week, where possible the Council will take account of the applicant's needs for a spare room.

  13. 21. Supported Accommodation

    1. 21.1. Applicants can indicate whether they want to be considered for supported accommodation on the application form but will usually be offered one only if they meet the following criteria:

      • older persons' sheltered or independent living accommodation - applicants will usually be aged 60 or over

      • older persons' housing with care or extra care sheltered accommodation - applicants aged 55 or over with support and/or care needs. Applicants require a referral from a social care manager to be considered for this type of housing. Applicants will be expected to sign-up to a support and care package

      • other supported housing - applicants must meet the requirements set out in each scheme's eligibility criteria. Applicants will usually require a referral from a social care manager to be considered for this type of housing. Applicants will be expected to sign-up to a support and / or care package as appropriate

    2. 21.2. Bungalows, ground floor flats, and flats with lift access will usually only be offered to applicants who have poor health and/or a disability who require accommodation on one level.

    3. 21.3. Certain properties may be designated, for a limited period of time, for applicants who fall into a particular age category to ensure the continued sustainability of a particular block or area of housing. These may be subject to local lettings policies (see below).

  14. 22. Support / Care Packages

    1. 22.1. Some applicants (such as care leavers, and people with serious mental illness, dementia, or learning disabilities) will only be eligible for an offer of accommodation once it is confirmed that they have a recognised support/care package in place. This support/care package need not be provided through Social Services, but could include other forms of support, for example from family or friends. The support/care package will be reconfirmed before an offer of accommodation is made to ensure that applicants are supported to live successfully in their new home.

    2. 22.2. Notwithstanding the above, the Council will not accept persons on to the Housing Register, nor make an offer of accommodation to an applicant, who lacks mental capacity or the capacity to manage a tenancy independently.

  15. 23. Advice and Assistance

    1. 23.1. Great Yarmouth Borough Council offers personal appointments. In addition, staff are able to signpost applicants to other sources of advice and assistance. In particular, assistance will be provided to anyone who may have difficulty applying due to disability, illness, age, not speaking English as a first language, or any other reason.

  16. 24. Information about the Allocation Policy and Scheme

    1. 24.1. Anyone who wishes is entitled to a free copy of the Allocation Policy and Scheme, which can be obtained from Great Yarmouth Borough Council. A copy of this document is available to be downloaded from the Great Yarmouth Council website.

    2. 24.2. Applicants to the Housing Register are also entitled to request details of information that has been used to assess their application. Requests must be submitting in writing.

    3. 24.3. When each property has been successfully allocated, the banding and registration date of the successful applicant will be made available on the website on a quarterly basis. This information should be sufficient for applicants to determine their prospects of success in obtaining housing, and to estimate how long they are likely to have to wait to obtain such housing.

  17. 25. Local Lettings Plans and Policies

    1. 25.1. Local Letting Plans are usually introduced to:

      • due to planning conditions

      • deliver specific local strategic outcomes

      • balance communities to achieve sustainable neighbourhoods

    2. 25.2. Where a Local Letting Plan or Policy is in place, priority will normally be given to applicants who directly meet the criteria of the Plan. A list of Local Lettings Plans and Polices is contained at Appendix E. Details of each Local Letting Plan or Policy will be available on request from the Council. Where a Local Letting Policy is required as part of planning conditions in relation to an exception site, the Section 106 agreement will set out how the shortlisting process will operate.

  18. 26. Transfer Quota

    1. 26.1. Up to 20% of all dwellings will be allocated to applicants who are existing tenants of Great Yarmouth Borough Council and tenants of a Private Registered Provider who live in the Borough of Great Yarmouth. The properties that are allocated this way will be decided by the landlord.

  19. 27. Sensitive Lets

    1. 27.1. There may be circumstances where properties will be identified for Sensitive Let by the landlord. This means specific criteria will be applied to individual properties to achieve wider objectives. Where a Sensitive Let is identified, priority may be given to applicants who directly meet the required criteria.

  20. 28. Direct Lets

    1. 28.1. Great Yarmouth Borough Council may from time to time need to make a Direct Let of a property to an applicant in exceptional or urgent circumstances, for example to prevent risk of harm to the household, facilitate or maintain essential support arrangements, or for an applicant who has very specific housing requirements.

    2. 28.2. These lets will be requested by a landlord and agreed by a Team Leader in Great Yarmouth Borough Council. All requests will be supported by evidence.

  21. 29. Adapted Properties

    1. 29.1. In order to ensure best use of stock, properties which have been or can be adapted to meet the needs of people with disabilities, will normally be given to the applicants requiring the adaptations provided.

  22. 30. Letting Privately Rented Accommodation

    1. 30.1. Private landlords (this does not include housing associations registered with the Regulator of Social Housing) who offer affordable housing to households on the Housing Register may use additional criteria when selecting prospective tenants. The use of a Private Landlord's Letting Plan must be agreed with Great Yarmouth Borough Council. The Plan must also be available to applicants on request.

  23. 31. Offers of Accommodation

    1. 31.1. Applicants have a responsibility to ensure their contact details are up to date including, change of address, contact telephone numbers and email addresses.

    2. 31.2. When a property is available for letting the Council will shortlist suitable applicants. Where the property is owned by a Private Registered Provider, the Council will provide a nomination to the Provider. The applicant may be required by the Private Registered Provider to complete a pre-tenancy qualification questionnaire or affordability/eligibility assessment prior to a decision being made on whether they are eligible for and able to afford the property. Where an initial nomination is rejected by the Private Registered Provider or refused by the nominated applicant, the Council will provide further nominations until the property is let.

    3. 31.3. Shortlisted applicants (including nominations accepted by Private Registered Providers) will be invited by the property's landlord to view the property.

    4. 31.4. Applicants will only be considered by the Council / nominated to a Private Registered Provider for one property at a time and will only be considered for that property until they refuse it, or the Provider decides they are not eligible or suitable.

    5. 31.5. Once an offer of a property has been made, unless the property will need to be adapted to meet the needs of the applicant or there is some other special requirement for rehousing, the applicant will be expected to make a decision within 24 hours as to whether they will accept the property.

    6. 31.6. Where private rented properties are let through this scheme any applicant for whom it is deemed that the rent would be unaffordable, taking into account their income and level of likely assistance with the rent which will be available, will not be nominated for a property.

    7. 31.7. For all low-cost home ownership properties (for example, shared ownership or discounted for sale) any applicant for whom it is deemed that they would be unable to afford to purchase the share or value of the property being sold will be disregarded.

    8. 31.8. Those applicants with a homeless duty and/or in the Emergency Band or Band A, who have refused or have failed to make contact on one occasion when a suitable offer of accommodation has been made through the Allocation Policy and Scheme, will be deferred and therefore be declined further offers for a period of up to twelve months. All other applicants who have refused or have failed to make contact on two occasions within a twelve-month period when a suitable offers of accommodation have been made through the Allocations Policy and Scheme will be deferred and therefore be declined further offers for a period of up to twelve months. The Council will write to the applicant and inform them of the reason as to why they have been deferred.

  24. 32. Medical and Social Welfare Assessment Procedure

    1. 32.1. Great Yarmouth Borough Council will assess and verify medical and social welfare need/s which are directly affected by the applicant's accommodation and where a move to more suitable accommodation is needed.

    2. 32.2. Information is taken from the applicant's supporting evidence to determine if there is a medical need and/or social welfare need and the level of this need. In addition, in considering whether an applicant needs to move on the grounds of medical or welfare reasons, the following will be considered:

      • whether an applicant has a housing needs report prepared by an appropriate professional setting out their requirements for adaptations needed for them to live independently

      • whether an applicant needs to move to give or receive support. This includes foster carers or those approved to adopt as well as Special Guardians, holders of a Residence Order and family/friends who have care of a child as the parent(s) are no longer able to provide care. In all cases written confirmation of status and support for a move from Social Services will be required. Where an applicant needs to move for them or a member of their household to give or receive support, for priority to be awarded on the grounds of welfare reasons, there must be no appropriate equivalent support in the area where the applicant currently resides

      • whether an applicant is residing in a refuge or is receiving support because of the effects of domestic abuse on their health and welfare

      • the impact of current housing on both the physical and mental health of the applicant as applicable

      • whether an applicant is a Care Leaver and requires settled accommodation.

      • any other circumstances set out in statutory guidance where reasonable preference on the grounds of medical or welfare should be provided.

  25. 33. Joint Applications

    1. 33.1. Joint applications can usually be made by:

      • a married couple

      • a civil partnership couple

      • partners (including same sex couples - this does not include friends)

    2. 33.2. Where a sole application becomes a joint application, the original or earliest registration date of the two will apply. Should the parties of the joint application then wish to separate their applications, the respective dates at which they each separately registered will then apply.

  26. 34. People in Prison

    1. 34.1. Applications will be accepted from those currently in prison provided eligibility and qualification criteria are met. Great Yarmouth Borough Council works with a range of agencies to prepare people for release from prison and to prevent homelessness.

    2. 34.2. Upon release an update application will be required and if applicable, liaison with any support workers and agencies.

  27. 35. Pregnancy

    1. 35.1. Where a household member is pregnant, the pregnancy will only be considered once a medical certificate such as a MATB1 is received. Until the birth and the sex of the child or children can be confirmed the bedroom entitlement assumption will be set at the minimum number according to the above criteria.

  28. 36. Applications from Employees, elected Members and their Relatives

    1. 36.1. As part of the application process, applicants will be required to state whether they are related to a Council officer or elected Member or are currently employed by the Council.

    2. 36.2. No officer who is who is a friend of, in a relationship with or is related to an applicant directly or through their relationship with another person or who has a business or financial relationship with an applicant will be able to make any decision in relation to the applicant's housing application and will not view or update the housing application.

      36.3. Officers will declare any such relationships with applicants as soon as they are aware an application will be/has been made.

    3. 36.4. Applications are monitored carefully to ensure that all allocations are made in line with this policy and no favour is given to those with close links to Great Yarmouth Borough Council or housing associations with housing stock in the Borough of Great Yarmouth.

  29. 37. Equal Opportunities Statement

    1. 37.1. Great Yarmouth Borough Council believes that it is a fundamental right for everyone to be treated fairly, with respect and dignity; in the implementation of this policy it will ensure that this right is promoted and upheld. This includes the need to ensure that applicants' specific needs are recognised when they are being considered for offers of accommodation.

  30. 38. Right to Appeal

    1. 38.1. Any applicant to Great Yarmouth Borough Council's Housing Register has a right to make an appeal if they disagree with a decision made by the Council, such as disqualifying them from registration, or the banding awarded.

    2. 38.2. All requests for appeal must be made in writing (including email) to the Allocations and Assessment Team Leader within 21 days of being notified of the decision which is being appealed. In exceptional cases, the Team Leader can extend the timescale for requesting a review. The request can be made by the applicant's representative where the applicant has explicitly confirmed in writing that they authorise the representative to act on their behalf. At the discretion of the Team Leader, information in support of the appeal can be made as verbal representations either recorded by the applicant or at an agreed meeting where the Council will take notes to capture the applicant's representations. Unless it is agreed that verbal representations can be provided, the request for appeal should include:

      • details of what decision is being appealed

      • an explanation of why the Council's decision is wrong

      • details of any changes in their circumstances which are material to the original decision

      • additional information which was not originally provided in the housing application which is relevant

      • any letters of support (if applicable).

    3. 38.3. The appeal will be carried out by a reviewing officer who shall be an officer who is senior to the original decision maker and will most likely be a Team Leader. In all cases the reviewing officer will have relevant knowledge and will have had no prior involvement in the original decision.

    4. 38.4. As part of the appeal, the reviewing officer shall consider the information in the applicant's original application, the information provided in the review request, the Council's Housing Allocations Policy and Scheme and any relevant legislation or legal requirements. The reviewing officer may seek additional information or clarification of a particular point from the applicant to inform their review, such requests will be made in writing (including email). The appeal will be completed within 40 working days, unless the applicant has previously been advised in writing that an extension is required and the reasons for such an extension.

    5. 38.5. The applicant will be notified in writing of the outcome of the appeal and the reasons for the decision being made.

    6. 38.6. If still unhappy with the outcome of the appeal, the applicant may make a complaint to the Local Government and Social Care Ombudsman.

    7. 38.7. Where an offer of accommodation has been made to discharge the prevention, relief or main homelessness duty, this will be subject to a different review process.

  31. 39. Complaints

    1. 39.1. Complaints about the policy should be made to Great Yarmouth Borough Council's Corporate Complaints Team.

    2. 39.2. A copy of the full complaints procedure is available from Great Yarmouth Borough Council.

  32. 40. Monitoring and Review

    1. 40.1. Great Yarmouth Borough Council monitors all allocations and reports this in a 'Quarterly Monitoring and Statistics Report' which is published and available to download from the Great Yarmouth Borough Council's website.

    2. 40.2. This policy and scheme will be subject to annual review, seeking to ensure it reflects changes in legislation and meets its aims.

  33. Appendix A: Great Yarmouth Housing Partnership

    1. The following Registered Providers are part of the Great Yarmouth Partnership Scheme and allocate all their affordable homes in the borough through this Housing Allocations Scheme:

      • Broadland Housing Association Limited

      • Clarion Housing Association Limited

      • Flagship Housing Group Limited

      • Orbit Group Limited

      • Orbit Housing Association Limited

      • Orwell Housing Association Limited

      • Places for People Homes Limited

      • Places for People Living+ Limited

      • Saffron Housing Trust Limited

    2. The following Registered Providers also have affordable homes in the borough:

      • Anchor Hanover Group

      • East Midlands Housing and Regeneration Limited

      • Falcon Housing Association CIC

      • Golden Lane Housing Limited

      • Herring House Trust (Great Yarmouth)

      • Heylo Housing Registered Provider Limited

      • Housing 21

      • Progress Housing Association Limited

      • Sage Housing Limited

      • Sage Rented Limited

      • Sanctuary Affordable Housing Limited

      • Solo Housing (East Anglia)

      • The Abbeyfield Society

      • The Fishermen's Hospital

      • V&F Homes

      • YMCA Norfolk

  34. Appendix B: Bandings

    1. All qualifying applicants will be allocated to one of the following Bands according to
      their particular circumstances. Subject to exceptional circumstances as set out in section 4.18, applicants in all Bands apart from Band F will require a local connection.

    2. Emergency

      • households in emergency housing need where the authority has a statutory duty to provide housing
    3. Band A

      • applicants who are homeless and are owed the Main duty including when the Relief Duty has come to an end and they have been assessed as being eligible for assistance, unintentionally homeless, in priority need and have local connection

      • applicants who are homeless and are owed the Relief Duty and would be owed or likely to be owed the Main duty when the Relief Duty came to an end, because they are or are likely to be in priority need and unintentionally homeless

      • applicants who are threatened with homelessness and are owed the Prevention Duty on the basis of a valid legal court notice and would be likely to be owed the Main duty if both the Prevention Duty and any Relief Duty that followed on were to end unsuccessfully and they would be, or would likely to be, found to be in priority need and unintentionally homeless

      • where Great Yarmouth Borough Council require households to permanently move to alternative accommodation to allow redevelopment, regeneration, or demolition to be undertaken

      • under-occupation by two or more bedrooms by a tenant of Great Yarmouth Borough Council

      • use and occupation - following the death of the tenant, occupiers of Great Yarmouth Borough Council dwellings who either do not have succession rights or a non-statutory succession cannot be granted as the current property would be under-occupied or considered unsuitable. Following notice served by a tenant and an assignment cannot be granted to the remaining occupants

        Applicants will be entitled to one suitable offer of accommodation.

      • urgent medical or social welfare need where the applicant's (or member of their household who is moving with them) condition is currently directly affected by their accommodation and an urgent move is needed to have a positive effect on their medical condition, or where as a result of their condition their current accommodation is not suitable to their needs. An investigation will be carried out. For Urgent Medical Need it is generally expected that the property cannot reasonably be occupied as the applicant is either unable to use or has serious difficulty using an essential part of the property, for example, the WC, and the property cannot be adapted

      • resettlement - applicants have been assessed as ready to move from hostel or other temporary supported accommodation into settled accommodation. Where appropriate, arrangements will be made for tenancy support

    4. Band B

      • applicants who are threatened with homelessness and are owed the Prevention Duty (with no valid legal notice) and would be likely to be owed the Main duty if both the Prevention Duty and any Relief Duty that followed on were to end unsuccessfully and they would be, or would likely to be, found to be in priority need and unintentionally homeless

      • applicants who are threatened with homelessness or are homeless and this is not intentional, but are not considered to be in priority need

      • serious disrepair and/or insanitary accommodation where the Council has deemed the applicant's home to have the presence of Category 1 Hazards, Bands A - C under the Housing Health & Safety Rating System and these Hazards cannot be resolved or reduced to a Category 2 Hazard with six months

      • high medical or social welfare need where the applicant's (or member of their household who is moving with them) condition is currently directly affected by their accommodation and a move is needed to have a positive effect on their condition, or where as a result of their condition their current accommodation is detrimental to health and wellbeing. An investigation will be carried out

      • overcrowding and requiring two or more additional bedrooms - assessments will be based on the bedroom entitlement at Appendix D. Lodgers will not be included in the assessment

      • under-occupation by one bedroom by a tenant of Great Yarmouth Borough Council

    5. Band C

      • applicants who are threatened with homelessness or are homeless, who are in priority need and who will be / are intentionally homeless
      • reducing re-offending - applicants due to be released from prison where a personal housing plan has been undertaken and a support package is in place
      • moderate medical or social welfare need where the applicant's (or member of their household who is moving with them) condition is currently directly affected by their accommodation and a move is needed to have a positive effect on their condition, or where as a result of their condition their current accommodation is not suitable to their needs
      • financial hardship - where the applicant has insufficient finances to be able to maintain living in their current accommodation
      • disrepair and/or insanitary accommodation where the Council has deemed the applicant's home to have the Presence of Category 2 Hazards, Band D under the Housing Health & Safety Rating System and these Hazards cannot be resolved
      • overcrowding where there is a need for one additional bedroom - assessments will be based on the bedroom entitlement at Appendix D. Lodgers will not be included in the assessment
      • sharing essential facilities such as bathroom, toilet or kitchen with family or friends and requiring independent accommodation
    6. Band D

      • applicants who are threatened with homelessness or are homeless, who are not in priority need and who will be / are intentionally homeless
      • give or receive support from close family members and / or move closer to local facilities. Where not having a move would result in serious detriment
      • low medical or social welfare need where the applicant's (or member of their household who is moving with them) condition is currently directly affected by their accommodation and a move is needed to have a positive effect on their condition, or where as a result of their condition their current accommodation is not suitable to their needs
      • sharing essential facilities such as bathroom, toilet or kitchen with a separate household (not including parents and children)
    7. Band E

      • applicant who is unable to access accommodation to meet their housing need in the open market
      • applicant for low-cost home ownership accommodation
    8. Band F

      • applicant is not deemed to have a local connection but identified to be within the class of person set out in section 13.1 (and where there are no exceptional circumstances as set out in section 4.18)
    9. Definitions

      • Prevention Duty: places a duty on housing authorities to work with people who are threatened with homelessness within 56 days to help prevent them from becoming homelessness
      • Relief Duty: when the housing authority is satisfied that the applicant is both homeless and eligible for assistance. The housing authority is obliged to take reasonable steps to help the applicant secure suitable accommodation with a reasonable prospect that it will be available for their occupation for at least 6 months. The Relief Duty lasts for 56 days
      • Main Duty: where a housing authority determines that a homeless applicant is homeless, eligible for assistance, in priority need, has a local connection and is not intentionally homeless
  35. Appendix C: List of Information Required to Verify an Applicant is Eligible and Qualifies to join the Housing Register

    1. Please note that this is not an exhaustive list.

    2. Local Connection

    3. A copy of one of the following documents either from the applicant or from the close
      relative must be provided:

      • Council tax bill

      • employment or contract of employment details

      • tenancy agreement

    4. Without the documentation shown above, your local connection will not be verified.

    5. Identification

      • passport sized photograph of applicant

      • original or certified copy of birth certificate or passport for applicant and for each household member included on the applicant's application

      • where applicable, proof of name change via Deed Poll

      • where applicable, original or certified copy of Marriage certificate

    6. Housing

      • a copy of Tenancy agreement

      • a copy of Licence agreement

      • a letter from friend or relative confirming the applicant's living arrangements - (letter should state date when the applicant moved in and number of bedrooms to which they have access)

      • a current valuation of the applicant's home

      • a copy of the applicant's latest mortgage statement

      • confirmation of Tied accommodation

      • signed legal notices or court paperwork

    7. Income

    8. A copy of award letter or bank statements showing the following amounts:

      • Employment Support Allowance

      • Income Support

      • Child Benefit (award letter only)

      • Child Tax Credit

      • Working Tax Credit

      • Incapacity benefit

      • DLA

      • Carer's allowance

      • Pension credit

      • State Pension

      • Occupational Pension

      • Rent income

      • Personal Independence Payment (PIP)

      • Council tax benefits

      • Universal credit

      • Child support payments

      • Last 3 months or 5 weeks of payslips for each employment

      • A copy of self-employed accounts

    9. Assets

      • independent property valuation

      • current, saving and investments bank accounts

      • premium bonds

    10. The Council recognises that applicants who have fled domestic abuse or other forms of violence or harm may not be able to provide evidence at the time of application. Therefore, in this situation applications will be assessed whilst evidence is sought.

  36. Appendix D: Size and Type of Properties Eligibility Criteria

    1. It is expected that for working age applicants the size of property for which they are entitled is in line with the DWP bedroom standard.

    2. If a person named on an application as being part of the household is aged 16 or over they are classed as a person who is not a child and, therefore, as needing their own single bedroom.

    3. Households will not usually be able to choose the floor level on which they want to live (depending on property type) unless there is an assessed need for a particular floor level. For example, if priority for level access accommodation is recommended on medical grounds. ( this could be accessed from a ground floor or lift in block)

    4. The criteria listed in this table will usually be used when deciding what property is suitable for a household.
      HouseholdProperties usually considered suitable
      Single person of working ageRoom in shared house, bedsit or 1 bedroom flat or bungalow
      Single person over working ageBedsit, 1 bedroom flat or bungalow
      Couple both of working age1 bedroom flat
      Couple with one or both over working age1 or 2 bedroom flat or bungalow
      Pregnant woman with no other children1 or 2 bedroom flat, maisonette or house
      Family with one child2 bedroom flat, maisonette or house
      Family with two children aged under 102 bedroom flat, maisonette or house
      Family with two children aged under 16 of the same sex2 bedroom flat, maisonette or house
      Family with two children of different sex, where one or both children are aged 10 or over3 bedroom flat, maisonette or house
      Family with three children3 bedroom flat, maisonette or house
      Family with four children3 or 4 bedroom flat, maisonette or house
      Family with five or more children4 or 5 bedroom flat, maisonette or house
      Household needing 2 bedrooms where all are adults2 bedroom flat or maisonette
    • working age includes anyone who is under the State Pension Credit age at the time

    • a 4 or 5 bedroom flat depends on the age and sex of children

  37. Appendix E: List of Local Lettings Plans and Policies

    1. To be inserted

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