Closed consultations and surveys
This is an archive of closed surveys conducted by Great Yarmouth Borough Council.
Search results
Closed - CCTV Consultation for Great Yarmouth (27 September - 5 December 2022)
The Council and Norfolk Constabulary are proposing to install nine CCTV cameras in Great Yarmouth, to increase the public's feeling of safety by deterring anti-social behaviour.
Closed - Gorleston Seafront Masterplan (18 September 2022)
We asked for feedback on a series of proposed actions within the draft Gorleston Seafront Masterplan, covering topics including conservation, accessibility, wayfinding, and events.
Closed - Amendments to hackney carriage fares (8 August 2022)
The Council proposals to make amendments to its hackney carriage fares under the provisions of Section 65 of the Local Government (Miscellaneous Provisions) Act 1976.
Closed - Public Spaces Protection Order No 3: dog control (continuation) (24 October - 20 November 2022)
The Council recently sought the views of the public regarding whether or not this Order should be continued for another three years, or removed.
Closed - Public Spaces Protection Order No.2: vehicle-related anti-social behaviour (continuation) (26 September - 24 October 2022)
The Council sought the views of the public, including residents, businesses and visitors, over whether or not this Order should be continued for another three years, or removed.