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Closed: Draft Housing Investment Plan consultation (18 December 2024 - 23 January 2025)

Great Yarmouth Borough Council (GYBC) is creating a Housing Investment Plan to guide the way it spends its budget on maintaining and improving Council homes and estates over the next five years. Tenants can use this form to help us understand priorities for investing in homes and future planning;

Closed: Anti-social behaviour (ASB) Public Space Protection Order (PSPO) public consultation (11 November - 8 December 2024)

Anti-social Behaviour is behaviour that causes harassment, alarm or distress and this Public Space Protection Order is proposed to be a tool to help the Police and council officers (authorised officers) tackle behaviours that have been identified as causing issues within the Borough.

Closed: Great Yarmouth Draft Community Infrastructure Levy Charging Schedule Representation (6 December 2024 - 31 January 2025)

This survey enables you to provide representations on Great Yarmouth Borough Council's Draft CIL Charging Schedule (CIL) Charging Schedule.

Closed: draft Housing Strategy (18 October - 13 December 2024)

The Council undertook a public consultation of its draft Housing Strategy, setting out the vision and objectives for the next 5 years alongside an action plan to ensure these objectives are achieved.

Interim review of polling districts and places (1 October - 5 November 2024)

The Council is undertaking an interim review of four polling districts and polling places within the borough to align with new divisions which take effect from 15 October 2024 and will be in place for the Norfolk County Council elections on 1 May 2025.

Closed: Great Yarmouth Local Plan Regulation 19 Pre-Submission Representation (6 December 2024 - 31 January 2025)

This survey enables you to provide representations on Great Yarmouth Borough Council's Local Plan.

Closed: Festival of Bowls survey (25 August - 30 September 2024)

Hello Bowlers! It is important for us to periodically survey those attending events in Great Yarmouth to ascertain where our visitors are coming from and how they spend their free time. This information can then be used to assist us in gaining sponsorship for the event and ensuring its continued success. If you are only spectating, please feel free to complete a survey too.

Closed: draft revised Gambling Policy (5 August - 4 October 2024)

Under the Gambling Act 2005, licensing authorities are required to review their Statement of Principles (Gambling Policy) every three years. As our current policy expires on 31 January 2025 we need to review it and this includes completing a public consultation on the new document.

Closed: draft Revised Allocations Policy and Scheme (8 July - 1 September 2024)

The Council recently reviewed its housing allocations policy and scheme and undertook public consultation from Monday 8 July 2024 until Sunday 1 September 2024. The proposed policy can be read in this section.

Closed - Belton with Browston, Burgh Castle and Fritton with St Olaves Neighbourhood Plan consultation

Consultation on the Belton with Browston, Burgh Castle and Fritton with St Olaves Neighbourhood Plan (2022-2038) has now closed

Closed: Community Engagement Survey

Great Yarmouth is investing in the future of our Borough and we want to find out what matters to people that live, work, study, create, visit or do business in the Borough. As part of creating our plan for the Borough for the next 5 years we want to hear from as many residents, stakeholders, community organisations and businesses as possible. Please fill in this survey to tell us how you feel about a variety of topics in the Borough at the moment, and what is important to you for the future.

Closed - First draft Local Plan consultation (13 March - 8 May 2024)

Consultation on the first draft Local Plan closed at 23:59 on 08 May 2024

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